An invitation into a writer's world.
I hope you enjoy visiting these pages.
Reading has been my passion since I read my first Enid Blyton book. I knew at once I wanted to be a writer. The dream stayed with me all my life.
Sometimes it takes years for a dream to come true. I write full time now and I can honestly say I have never been more fulfilled.
That is really saying something because I was so committed to teaching that I put my writing dreams on hold for thirty years. I taught Maths to hundreds, possibly thousands, of marvellous young people and never regretted a single day.
But here I am, living in a wonderful village, privileged to be writing full time.
Latest comments
02.12 | 16:03
Congratulations Sandra - so wonderful that you have fulfilled that ambition. The blurb sounds intriguing, I shall look forward to reading it
08.10 | 02:39
Congratulations, Sandra! Looking forward to reading and reviewing it.
05.10 | 19:27
Congratulation on your book.
14.10 | 20:15
Hi Sandra, really missing you at our zoom meetings x